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Modern Slavery Policy Info

This policy affirms our commitment to contribute to ending all forms of modern slavery and outlines our approach to reducing the risk of modern slavery within our supply chains and operations.

Supply Chain

Your Brand Unleashed expect all existing and new suppliers to comply with the principles set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct.

The expectation shows fundamentally that there is an expectation that all suppliers operate with full compliance with the laws and regulations in the jurisdiction where the goods are sourced, procured and services are performed.

Suppliers must use their best endeavours to ensure that there is no modern slavery in their supply chain and operations. In the evet of any occurrence, they are to take practical and effective steps to address the risk. Suppliers must notify Your Brand Unleashed as soon as practical of such occurrence, and notify local authorities where appropriate.


Your Brand Unleashed maintains this policy outlining our approach to reducing the risk of modern slavery within our supply chains and operations.

This policy provides guidance on the steps that Your Brand Unleashed will work with to reduce risks and support services should a risk be identified.

Continuous Improvement

Your Brand Unleashed is committed to continuous improvement about how we reduce the risk of modern slavery practices within our supply chains and operations.

We will seek feedback from our people, suppliers, partners and other parties in regard to the success or otherwise of the actions we have taken to reduce the risk of modern slavery.


A key part of supporting these standards is enabling our people and suppliers and partners to feel free to speak up where there are reasonable grounds that Your Brand Unleashed or it’s people are not acting ethically or in accordance with laws and obligations.

Concerns are to be raised to the Managing Director.

What is Modern Slavery?

Modern Slavery is defined by the Modern Slavery Act 2018.

  • Trafficking in persons
  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Forced Labour
  • Forced Marriage
  • Debt Bondage
  • The worst forms of Child labour
  • Deceptive recruiting of labour or services

This can also extend into:

Entering into a commercial transaction involving a slave;

Exercising control or direction over, or providing finance for, any commercial transaction involving a slave or act of slave trading;

Conducting a business involving servitude or forced labour;

Communications and Training

Your Brand Unleashed will provide it’s people communications and training opportunities to enhance their understanding of the causes and humanitarian impact of modern slavery, and our approach to limiting the risk of modern slavery within our supply chains and operations.